Many home owners love to celebrate their country with patriotic accents in their homes. The current trend among interior designers is to add a rustic touch to the traditional red, white, and blue design. Patriotic décor is growing in popularity because it can be done on a small budget and still look beautiful.
When you begin a patriotic decorating project, you should start by brainstorming for objects that make you feel proud of your country. You should incorporate more than a simple red, white, and blue color scheme. A well-designed patriotic room will evoke pride. This often begins with the use of a simple flag. Think about how you can use an American flag as a focal point in your room. Bring Old Glory to the front of your design to accomplish a truly moving effect. Look for large, antique flags to frame and you will have a perfect wall hanging that serves as the focal point of your patriotic design.
Painting a patriotic themed room is actually pretty simple. The color choices are a no brainer. Go for either a deep red or a navy blue. If you don't want your rooms to have dramatic color on the walls, then paint one wall with a bold red. Hang your antique flag on that wall for a stunning effect. You could also consider adding a decorative border or painting your trim in red or blue. Some wallpaper borders are available in beautiful patriotic themes.
Rugs offer another great accent to patriotic décor. If you choose a neutral wall color, you could bring in your bolder colors through a beautiful, Americana-themed rug. You could choose a solid colored rug in red or blue. You could even look for a rug with a stars or stripes theme. Keep in minds that rugs make great focal points! You could even design your room around a great patriotic rug. If your walls are a bold color, you could also choose a more neutral area rug to offset the bright colored walls. The options are truly endless with this design scheme, so get creative!
Stars are another important element of patriotic decorating. Rustic barn stars look beautiful when displayed on shelves or over a fireplace. You could even hang several stars on your wall in a random pattern, to showcase the various sizes and styles. Patchwork quilts also provide a beautiful accent to an antique-themed patriotic room. You can find beautiful old quilts in antique stores that were made in a red, white, and blue color scheme. You could drape on of these quilts across the back of a couch or hang it on the wall. Quilts can also be displayed nicely with a free standing quilt rack.
Candles also provide a nice accent to a patriotic room. You can find candles in a various shapes, sizes, and colors. Don't be afraid to use scented candles in a patriotic room. An apple pie scented candle can evoke childhood memories for many Americans and it is the perfect accent to a patriotic room. Draw memories from your childhood and browse through patriotic themed websites to get ideas. Add some beautiful paint, a patriotic rug, and a few quilts and candles, and your new room will be complete.
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